The Breathe Well, Live Well Program is the American Lung Association's core program for adult asthma education. The curriculum is based on national best practices for asthma care and is evidenced based. The program is for adults who want to learn to take control of their asthma and feel better. It is the only program available nationwide that has shown to result in less severe asthma, fewer respiratory problems, and a better ability to stick to treatment plans.
If you are one of the estimated 14 million adults living with asthma, this program can help you gain the skills you need to get your asthma under control or, if your asthma is well controlled, using Breathe Well, Live Well can ensure it stays that way. Asthma self-management is key for prevention and treatment.
Major characteristics of the Breathe Well, Live Well program include:
Understanding your asthma and what can make it worse
Building your asthma support team
Taking asthma medications
Using tools for daily self-management
Developing an asthma action plan for early treatment and healthcare guidance